how does heat pump work in winter

How Does a Heat Pump Work in Winter?

During the summer months, heat pumps move heat out of your home to provide cool air, making it a great option for cooling, as it saves you both energy and money. But what about during the cooler months of the year? How does a heat pump work in winter, and is it effective?

If you’re interested in having a heat pump installed in your home or business, but want to learn more first, we’ve got all the answers in this article. And when you’re ready to get it installed, contact our team of experts at Smart Air for quick and efficient service.

How heat pumps work

To understand the answer to the question, “How does a heat pump work in winter?”, it’s important to first understand how it cools. 

When cooling, air gets drawn into the heat pump’s evaporator unit, positioned inside your home. From there, any heat in the air is absorbed into the refrigerant within the unit’s coils, before the air (now much cooler than before) is released back out. The refrigerant is then moved to the condenser unit outside, where the heat is released.

During the winter, however, heat pumps work in reverse for heating. Instead of drawing in heat from inside a home, the outdoor condenser unit receives signals to pull in heated air instead. The refrigerant absorbs whatever heat is in the winter air before moving it inside. From there, the evaporator blows the heat into the building.

So if you’re wondering, “Does a heat pump work in cold weather?”, the answer is yes. The way it works boils down to simple science and mechanics. To effectively work, the refrigerant is turned into a gas in order to absorb heat. After being pressurized, the heat is then transferred through thermodynamics. After all, heat energy naturally flows into colder areas, allowing the hot refrigerant to cool thanks to the evaporator’s blower.

How to make a heat pump more efficient in winter

Though heat pumps are ideal for more temperate climates, many also have backup settings to heat your home in case of emergencies. However, this setting uses a lot of energy and shouldn’t be solely relied on. 

So here are a few tips you can follow for how to make a heat pump more efficient in winter.

  • Keep the heat down. Increasing the heat pump’s temperature settings won’t actually help to heat your home faster. All it’ll do is expend significantly more energy.
  • Keep the filter clean of debris. A spotless filter extends the life of your system and can help keep your home much warmer.
  • Get consistent and yearly maintenance for your heat pump. Professional cleaning and maintenance should be performed at least once per year, as it ensures optimal efficiency and helps with avoiding unexpected breakdowns, especially when you need it for heating.

Trust Smart Air for your heat pump needs

So there you have it: the answer to the question “How does a heat pump work in winter?”. Exactly how do heat pumps work in cold weather can be quite similar to air conditioners, though it happens in reverse.

If you’re interested in installing a heat pump, contact Smart Air today!
